Buy newly harvested potatoes now; keep them fresh with these tips

Photo by Goodman’s Farm Market

Potatoes are great for so many reasons. They’re delicious, they’re nutritious and they store well– if you handle them properly.

Buy fresh, local potatoes now and keep them fresh longer using these tips.

Store your potatoes in a cool, well ventilated place. Keep the potatoes in a paper bag or perforated plastic bag.

In your kitchen, watch out for warm spots. Since you often run hot water in your kitchen sink, the cupboard below it can get warm. Cupboards near large appliances can get warm, too.

Store potatoes out of the light.

Those tips might make it seem like the refrigerator is a great place for potatoes, but the fridge is actually too cold. Temperatures colder than 50 degrees Fahrenheit cause a potato’s starch to convert to sugar, resulting in a sweet taste and discoloration when cooked.  If your potatoes do get cold, allow them to warm gradually to room temperature before cooking. That can reduce the discoloration.

Don’t wash potatoes before storing. Dampness promotes early spoilage.

Get freshly harvested, home grown potatoes now at Goodman’s. Hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.




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